Lancaster County Probation
We, the leaders in community corrections, juvenile and restorative justice, are unified in our dedication to delivering a system of seamless services which are founded on evidence-based practices and valued by Nebraska's communities, victims, offenders and courts. We create constructive change through rehabilitation, collaboration, and partnership in order to enhance safe communities.
Reporting Centers
Inspiring Hope
Empowering Individuals
Strengthening Communities

As Nebraska Probation, our mission is to strengthen communities and promote victim safety.
We lead and serve with integrity, equity, and empathy to ensure every voice is heard.
We address the diverse needs of those we serve through evidence-based investigations and interventions.

Lancaster County Reporting Centers
605 Building
605 S. 10th Street, 1st FL
Lincoln, NE 68508
Phone: 402-441-9480
M-F: 6:30am - 6:00pm
Reporting Center - North
901 W. Bond, Suite 220, Entrance "E"
Lincoln, NE 68521
Phone: 402-441-1985
M-F: 8:00am - 5:00pm